Your Thoughts Become Your Reality: What’s on Your Mind?

“We are in a mental universe, things are thoughts, and our life’s history is fundamentally the expression of our belief about God” – Emmet Fox
I used to be a very fearful person; I was always worried about the what if’s
What if this happens? What if that happens?
Sometimes I would go over an entire situation or scenario in my mind of a “what if” situation.
Although majority of the time, those what if’s do not amount to anything; however, there is that one time when it actually does happen. (I am speaking from experience here).
Remember Job in the bible?
Well Job was a fearful man; I know that is not what immediately comes to mind when we think of Job but let me explain.
I don’t negate the truth that Job was a blameless man, a man of complete integrity who feared God and stayed away from evil (see Job 1:1).
But he was also a very fearful man.
We are told in Job 1:4-5 (NLT), that
“Job’s sons would take turns preparing feasts in their homes, and they would also invite their three sisters to celebrate with them. When these celebrations ended—sometimes after several days—Job would purify his children. He would get up early in the morning and offer a burnt offering for each of them. For Job said to himself, “Perhaps my children have sinned and have cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular practice.”
On the surface, Job looks like He is simply just doing the right thing, a good thing, but if you read between the lines and let the Holy Spirit do His work and reveal the scripture to you, you will find out the reasons, the hidden motives that pushed Job to perform all those sacrifices to God in an effort to purify his children.
Job constantly meditated on the “what if’s”.
He was constantly thinking maybe his children may have sinned, or done this or that.
He was always fearful.
Remember, the scripture said that this was a regular practice for him – getting up early to purify his children by offering burnt offerings.
Think about it…for this to be a regular practice for him, which must only mean this was something that consumed his mind all day, every day, 24/7.
“For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems sad and painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness [right standing with God and a lifestyle and attitude that seeks conformity to God’s will and purpose].”
Also in the wilderness season, God tests us. Yes you read that right! God tests us; He tests our faith; He tests our patience; He tests our convictions. He puts us through several tests in order to strengthen us and bring us out stronger, wiser, and better than we went in. This is why we fear the process because we have no idea how or what God will use to test and refine us. Although we know that He is always with us throughout the entire process, because in Isaiah 43:2 He promised that
Now let’s jump to Job 3:25-26. These verses paint a better picture for us.
Job 3:25-26 says,
“What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true. I have no peace, no quietness. I have no rest; only trouble comes.”
Job said what I have always feared; the keyword here is ALWAYS!
This shows what he constantly filled his mind with, and unfortunately that negative situation that he constantly thought about, happened to him. The one thing He feared the most, happened to him.
So, I ask you, What is on your mind?
What are you constantly thinking about? Meditating on?
Is it something positive that brings value to your future? Or is it something negative that could derail you from your destiny? Our thoughts become our reality, so I ask you again, what is on your mind?
Are you filling your mind with thoughts that are true and honorable, right and pure, lovely and admirable, excellent and worthy of praise? Philippians 4:8

A Different Kind of Diet: A Mental Diet
And yes, you do have control over your thoughts! If it was not so, the bible would not have urged us in 2 Corinthians 10:5
“to hold every thought captive and bring it into the obedience of Christ.”
This means we are to be mindful of what we allow ourselves to think.
Yes, sometimes we just can’t help the thoughts that come to our head or at least it feels like we can’t;
However, you do have control over whether you meditate on it or not; whether you keep it replaying over and over in your mind or not. Meditating on those thoughts is what forms it and manifests it in our lives.
Emmet Fox, an author I love, and whose book Power Through Constructive Thinking the Holy Spirit used to change my life said in one of his other books called the “The Seven Day Mental Diet”, “you choose your life, that is to say you choose all the conditions of your life, when you choose the thoughts upon which you allow your mind to dwell.”
I want to challenge you to take the Seven Day Mental Diet that Emmet Fox wrote about in his book which can be found for a free download here. It’s only a 10 page PDF read. It challenges you to fill your mind, your thoughts with only positive things. It also shows you how to not let others or your environment affect your thoughts. Take the time to take the challenge. It is not easy but it is worth it!
A Word of Encouragement
Whatever is troubling you and giving you unrest, whatever is on your mind that is stealing your peace and making you not be able to sleep at night, whatever is causing you to toss and turn, and to literally get from point A to point B without even realizing how you got there because your mind is so preoccupied with those negative thoughts, I encourage you to take it to God in prayer and cast all your cares and burdens on Him because He cares for you (See 1 Peter 5:7).
You were not meant to carry the burden by yourself; God didn’t design you that way. It will crush you. So cry out to Him and He will hear you and He will answer you.
He is not so far away that He can’t hear you; in fact and in truth, He loves you so much and has promised to never leave you nor abandon you.
And together with Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:6-7, I say to you,
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Amen!
So until next time, remember, keep your hope in God for He loves you unconditionally and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!
Be sure to also check out other related articles below that will empower, encourage, and inspire you to live the victorious life you were created for. Be blessed as you read. And, don’t be afraid to share them with your friends and your loved ones as well ☺
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