Does God Really Care?

Have you ever felt like God has abandoned you and does not care? Have you been feeling lately like your prayers aren’t being answered or even heard? Well friend, you are not alone!
As I read the book of Job, I could relate to him, even in some of the things he said. There are seasons in my life when I have felt the exact same way. I have felt abandoned by God. I have felt like God does not hear me or care. I have even felt like He was ignoring me on purpose. I didn’t feel like He listened or even heard my prayer, though I prayed anyway. However, as I read further down the chapter of Job, Job acknowledged the fact that God’s hands shaped and made him, and molded him like clay.
Then he asks, will you now turn and destroy me? Will you now turn me to dust again? (Job 10: 8-9).That verse got me thinking, you know what, that is so true! The Bible says:
I am created for Him (God), by Him (God)so I say, if we are created by God for His glory; He would not let the enemy destroy us. He would not just sit back with arms crossed, and watch the enemy destroy His creation. What glory would that bring Him? Why would He go through all the “hassle” to create and mold you and I, only to let the enemy destroy us? Think about it. You wouldn’t even do that to anything you took pride in making. You would not by any means let anyone destroy your own children or prized possession and neither would God. He is a good Father who gives good gifts to His children (Matthew 7:11).
I realize that despite our mistakes and shortcomings, when we humbly cry out to God for forgiveness and help, He is obligated for His name sake, to save us lest the enemy gloat and say see their God can’t save them. Basically, God saves us for His own reputation, not because of anything we have done. He saves us because He loves us and wants the best for us. It is His desire for us to prosper and thrive in life.
He came so we can have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).He wants you and I to enjoy our lives and live it to the fullest in victory over the enemy.
I pray that this revelation strengthens and encourages you even more knowing that God, our good Father will not let your enemies triumph over you. You will overcome every obstacle and challenges as long as you humbly seek God for His help.
Remember, keep your hope in God for He loves you and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!
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