How God Changes Our Situations

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When faced with difficult situations, most of us pray and expect God to come down personally to fix our problems. Unfortunately, because we know the likelihood of that happening is slim to none, we become hopeless and think that God can’t help us. Those were my thoughts exactly. I knew that God would not come down from Heaven in person to help me so that must mean that He can’t help me. So what do I do now? I asked myself. I decided to keep praying anyway. As I pressed-in in the place of prayer, the Holy Spirit began showing me how God actually changes our situations.

You see, the truth is that our situations do not change; we change! Yes, you read that right! A change in our mind, in our perspective, is what brings about changes in the situations we face. Think of it this way, every problem has both a positive and a negative outcome and the results depend on us: our views and beliefs about the situation. Kenneth Copeland says,

“If you want change, make a change”

and the late Dr. Myles Munroe once said,

“Nothing changes until your mind changes.”

If you allow the situation to positively change you, then you automatically attract the positive outcome of the situation. However, if you choose not to change your views or you remain as you are, or if you regress and just wallow in negative thoughts, then the negative outcome of the situation is what you will attract. The problems we face come into our lives to help us grow, mature, and get to the next level. It is not intended to bring us down or destroy us; it is meant to bring us to repentance, meaning to change our ways. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 7:10 that

“For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.”

What the scripture is saying here is that God’s intention for allowing us to go through difficulties in our lives is meant to draw us to Himself and break us free from a lifestyle of sin and bondage.

To change your situation, you have to start seeing that situation from God’s perspective. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see things from His viewpoint. As you see the situation from His perspective, you begin to learn what He wants you to learn from it, gain the knowledge and wisdom He wants you to gain, develop and grow inside and out so you can come out on the other side victorious, stronger, and wiser.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 New Living Translation (NLT) version says:

“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”

Next, you have to change the words that you speak concerning that situation. Remember, at the cross, Christ had actually already resolved every single problem we would ever face but now it’s up to us to call it forth with not only our prayers, but by our affirmations as well. Therefore, choose to only speak positivity into that situation. Speak only words that affirm your desired outcome…words like “I am free”, “I am victorious”, “I’m an overcomer”, “the troubles I am facing are below me.” Decree positive affirmations every day concerning the problem. The bible says your words carry the power of life and death and also that you shall decree a thing and it will be established unto you (see Proverbs 18:21 and Job 22:28 respectively).

So choose your words wisely and be careful what you say. Speak to your situations and command it to change in the authority given to you by Jesus Christ. See, you have the power to change your situation by the words you say. You can either speak life to the situation or speak death to it…take your pick. I have heard it said this way, “a closed mouth is a closed destiny.”

I would recommend that you write out your positive affirmations and decree and declare them every day. Thoughts might tell you that you are wasting your time or being silly, but don’t give in, continue and you will reap the rewards.

Let’s recap. First, we must change our thoughts, views, and beliefs concerning the situation; next, we must confess out loud with our mouths positive affirmations that are consistent with our desired results. In this case, negative attracts negative, and positive attracts positive. Change your mind, change your life.

Remember, keep your hope in God for He loves you and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!

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Posted by Enna

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  1. Image

    This post reminds me of something I have always known but failed to practice on a regular basis. Thanks for the reminder and the encouragement.

  2. Image

    I always enjoy your blog posts because it just jerks me back into the boat when I am slipping off. Thank you for this post and the amazing way you bring Jesus into the light through what you do.

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